Monday, September 24, 2007

Great review for 68 Knots!

Several people have asked me for reviews for 68 Knots. Here's the latest:

This reviewer wrote: "A more inventive yarn i have not read. What unfolds is a novel about adventure, exploration, self-discovery, teamwork and mystery. It moves fast and takes some pretty outrageous turns that I didn't mind at all because they were eloquently handled.... It's unlike anything I have ever read.... It is quite simply a fun read with considerable insight into human behavior. It even made me laugh out loud and cry in public.... What a great read!"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Evans in the Arctic!

I spent nine months in the Arctic, doing research for a book. This is a photo of me taken--I'm not making this up--in September!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

68 Knots excerpt

To see an excerpt from the beginning of the novel, click here.

I hope you like it!


68 Knots coming in October!

My new novel, 68 Knots, will be released in October. It's a young-adult novel about a group of teens who sail around the Maine coast on a tall ship for an entire summer--without any adults at all!

They have a lot of fun and share some great adventures, but they also get into some serious trouble. Ultimately, they learn how to decide on the kind of person each wants to be.

The book is being published by Tanglewood Press, and it should be in bookstores by late October. Ask for it! (Check out Tanglewood Press here.)

And please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from you.
